Leister's Remote Control Soft Hackle - Umpqua Fly
"The Remote Control Soft Hackle was designed as a swinging fly first and foremost but in full honesty has spent its fair share of time behind a dead drifted dry and under a bobber as well.
The fly’s sparseness allows the materials more room to move so the fly has lots of motion. The foam wing case helps the fly lift like an emerger if swung into fish feeding in the film or upper water column."
- Signature Tyer Andy Leister
Fly Recipe
HOOK: Tiemco 206 BL (16 - 20)
THREAD: Gordon Griffith’s 14/0 Sheer Ultrafine (Dun)
TAIL: Coq de Leon Fibers
RIB: Ultra Wire (X-Small | Copper)
WINGS: Electronics Shipping Foam
DUBBING: Ice Dub (UV Callibaetis) + Rabbit Dubbing (Blue Dun)
COLLAR: Hungarian Partridge
THREAD: Gordon Griffith’s 14/0 Sheer Ultrafine (Dun)
TAIL: Coq de Leon Fibers
RIB: Ultra Wire (X-Small | Copper)
WINGS: Electronics Shipping Foam
DUBBING: Ice Dub (UV Callibaetis) + Rabbit Dubbing (Blue Dun)
COLLAR: Hungarian Partridge