The 4th Annual Mile High 25 multi-species fly fishing tournament was unforgettable. A crazy June storm made the fishing conditions challenging to say the least. These hurdles created a wide-open field for any anglers willing to brave soggy conditions and frozen fingertips. Six teams caught 12 or more species in two days of fishing. And 15 species proved to be the winning number in the 2019 Mile High 25.
In case you’re not familiar, here’s a little background to get you up to speed: the Mile High 25 is a multi-species fly-fishing tournament. Teams of two anglers compete in a wild scavenger hunt to see how many different species of fish they can land in just two days, from a list of 25 eligible species. Teams may fish any public water throughout Colorado. At the end of two days, the team with the most species wins. If there’s a tie, it goes to the point value of species caught.
This year, the weather threw us a curve ball and the best game plans were turned upside down. The 2019 tournament proved to be a test of endurance and adaptability.
Here’s Part 1 of the 2019 Mile High 25. Stay tuned for the rest!
Winners of the 2019 tournament took home $2,500 in cash prizes. Plus, all participants received great swag from our sponsors. A big thanks goes to Simms for their ongoing support of the Mile High 25. Additionally, the tournament wouldn’t be possible with out Sage, Ross Reels, Rep Your Water, Abel, Scott, Scientific Anglers, Umpqua and Fishpond. A big shout also goes to Route Company Creative for the outstanding photography and video work.
To learn more about the Mile High 25, come visit us at the fly shop in Littleton or visit Keep your eyes peeled for next year’s dates and details. In 2020 we will be celebrating the fifth year of the tournament. We can’t wait to see you all at the kick-off party next year!